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Your AC System is Going Bust – 7 Important Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Car AC System

Writer's picture: The GearBox Auto ServiceThe GearBox Auto Service

Below is some of the most reliable AC system advice from Dubai’s top-rated car AC repair specialists!

Even though you can see the airflow from your car's air conditioner, it is becoming hot now that summer has arrived. Unfortunately, the compressor in your air conditioner may stop producing cool air. Every vehicle's air conditioning system relies on a constant supply of refrigerant to operate. This refrigerant enables the air conditioner to generate the cool air that emerges from the dashboard vents. Let's investigate how the AC system is impacted by the symptoms of a faulty AC compressor.

What is a car AC compressor?

An essential component of the car's air conditioning system is the AC compressor. The heart of an AC system, according to many repair shops, is the AC compressor. In simpler terms, an AC compressor is a pump that generates heat by placing the refrigerant for air conditioning under incredibly high pressure. The reason the AC compressor is referred to as a pump is that both it and a pump can convey fluid through a pipe by increasing the pressure on the fluid. Since gases may be compressed, the compressor also reduces a gas's volume. Although certain liquids can be compressed, the primary function of a pump is to pressurize and move liquids. This is because liquids are largely incompressible

Two ports, called the inlet and outlet or "suction" and "discharge," respectively, make up the AC compressor. Always the bigger diameter hole, the suction port. The compressor "sucks" the refrigerant in, compresses it, and "discharges" it via the output toward the condenser. There are several passages, valves, bearings, and other parts inside the compressor.

How does a car AC compressor work?

Understanding how the AC compressor functions will help us determine if it is faulty or not. We must comprehend how the AC system works in order to comprehend how an AC compressor functions.

Air Conditioning System Operating Principle

Essentially, the AC system operates on the two principles of heat absorption by evaporating liquids and heat transmission by condensation of vapor into liquid.

High pressure and high evaporation temperatures are used to push the refrigerant out of the compressor. In this phase, steam is used to push the refrigerant to the condenser or hot rig. The medium temperature is extremely high at the condenser. The condenser is blown by a fan, which cools the vapor-liquid and causes it to condense into a liquid at high pressure and low temperature.

The refrigerant is cleaned by absorbing all moisture and contaminants in the filter or desiccator while the liquid refrigerant circulates there. The evaporator's expansion valve controls how much liquid enters the device (evaporator). The refrigerant's pressure is reduced as a result. The liquid in the evaporator turns into a vapor as a result of the pressure decrease.

The refrigerant absorbs heat from the automobile interior as it evaporates. It entails cooling the cabin's air mass. The evaporator is where outside air is taken in. Here, a lot of energy is lost via the radiator leaves by the air from the evaporator, which causes a rapid drop in air temperature. Air moisture will also condense and become visible in the meanwhile. When the liquid medium is at a high temperature in a refrigeration platform, the pressure changes to a vapor-liquid at a low temperature.

The air around the evaporator is used to provide the refrigerant with the energy it needs to carry out this operation. The energy changes from one form to another but does not disappear. As a result of the air's energy loss, its temperature falls, producing chilly air. When refrigerant is returned to the compressor, it is in the form of vapor and is done so at low pressure and high temperature.

AC Compressor Working Principle

The part that initiates the chain reaction and cools the refrigerant is the compressor, which is placed inside the condenser unit. The movement of heat toward colder regions should be monitored. Heat is removed from the air as it passes through the evaporator unit at room temperature. The refrigerant absorbs the heat from the air and transfers it to the compressor.

Following compression, the refrigerant condenses into a liquid and is subsequently released under pressure. The refrigerant is now considerably hotter than when it first entered the system, but the heat is then dispersed by the condenser coils. The refrigerant is cold once again when it reaches the loop's end and is then delivered into the evaporator coils. As long as the air conditioner is running, this cycle repeats itself until heated air rather than cold air is being produced.

Symptoms Of a Bad Car AC Compressor

Since the signs of a faulty AC compressor are obvious, determining whether it is bad or not is much easier than you would have anticipated. When your car's AC compressor is malfunctioning, you can notice the following symptoms. Your ability to diagnose your automobile will improve if you pay attention to these symptoms.

  1. The cabin's temperature is higher than usual The AC is no longer blowing as cold as it once did, which is one of the first indicators of a faulty AC compressor. The AC won't work correctly if the compressor is broken or malfunctioning since it won't be able to control the refrigerant flow in the system. As a result, you could notice that the temperature inside the car rises and the AC is blowing hot air. There are three potential causes: first, a low refrigerant level; second, a refrigerant leak; and third, a compressor that has to be changed because it is faulty.

  2. The compressor Makes Loud Noise while Running The heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system makes some noise as it starts and stops working. But another potential sign of a failing AC compressor is a loud noise that occurs when the air conditioner turns on. The inside of the AC compressor is filled with various parts, and it rotates on a sealed bearing. All kinds of sounds may be made if any internal parts malfunction or if the compressor's internal bearings freeze up. The best remedy is to replace the entire AC compressor.

  3. Water Leaks The majority of folks who ask what a malfunctioning ac compressor sounds like are unaware of the AC compressor's moisture leaks. If your air conditioner runs out of the chemical that turns warm air into the cold air, it will continue to pump warm air. Your energy usage rises as a result of refrigerant leakage in addition to the potential for increased health risks.

  4. The compressor Clutch Is Stuck The compressor's clutch enables the pulley to connect to and disconnect from the engine's power so that the compressor only turns when it is necessary. If the clutch fails, the compressor will no longer be able to accept engine power. The clutch maintains the compressor operational. The mechanic will assess the compressor clutch's severity before deciding whether to replace the compressor as a whole or just the clutch. The cost of replacement will be lower since the clutch can be replaced.

  5. Tripping of Circuit Breakers One of the signs of a faulty air conditioning compressor is if your exterior condensing unit often trips the circuit and loses power. The circuit breaker tripped as a result of the device overheating and consuming too much electricity. Don't just keep resetting the circuit breaker and turning the system back on, is the advice. You are being safeguarded against the potential fire risk by the circuit breaker.

  6. Defective Suction Lines If the compressor fails to function, the refrigerant line in the AC system may get blocked, resulting in heated airflow within the car. By taking your automobile to the technician, you may resolve this issue. The refrigerant lines can be unblocked to solve this problem, but if he is unsuccessful, new lines will have to be installed.

  7. Corroded Wire Any type of broken wiring may become apparent during house maintenance. It is a sign of a failing AC compressor. Because damaged wiring can quickly produce an electrical fire, it poses a serious threat to public safety. Electrical issues might cause the compressor to get too much or too little electricity when an AC unit is subjected to them. The compressor is soon damaged as a result, necessitating the purchase of a new AC compressor.

Cost of replacing a car AC compressor?

We are currently examining the cost of replacing the AC compressor after the AC compressor was diagnosed. The AC compressor is a crucial part of any vehicle. The compressor will not be inexpensive to replace if it breaks down.

Usually, a complete replacement of the compressor costs between 1,000 and 1,500 AED. Its price, which includes the component, ranges from 700 AED to 3,000 AED or more. The price of the labor might range from 100 to 600 AED.



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